Music for All (Round 3) - Community Projects

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Funding Round 3 offers instrument awards in six areas for community groups/projects:

1) Arturia Analog Lab V controller.

This plug-in comprises thousands of world-class sounds spanning all genres of music, suitable for producers and musicians alike. With comprehensive MIDI compatibility and specific Stage and Studio windows, map to your controller and create playlists for live performances or add studio-grade effects for mixing. Suitable for use with standalone VST, AAX or Audio Unit. Applicants should be able to demonstrate how their group is already working with technology and how this software will enhance their work. Applicants can apply for up to 3 Arturia Analog Lab V controllers.

2) Guitars (electric) + amplifier (+ Maestro Online Masterclasses).

This award is open to community-based groups using electric guitars and amplifiers to support disadvantaged music makers; they must illustrate the impact this award will have on advancing the music making of their group. Please note that the electric guitars are supplied with amplifiers but not cases. Please note some left handed guitars are also available. Applicants can apply for up to 5 electric guitars and amplifiers.

3) Drumkit + drumsticks  (+ Maestro Online Masterclasses).

This award is open to community-based groups using drumkits to support disadvantaged music makers; they must illustrate the impact this award will have on advancing the music making of their group. Please note each kit includes drum sticks; electric drum kits are also available. NB no drum cases are provided. Applicants can apply for 1 drumkit with drumsticks. 

4) Ukulele bundle (sopranos) with added ukulele voices (concert and bass) for teacher/leader  (+ Maestro Online Masterclasses).

This bundle offer is open to applications from community and educational groups working with deprived or marginalised communities and developing music education for those living in the area. NB no cases are provided. Applicants can apply for up to 1 bundle which includes 25 ukuleles.

5) Pbuzz instruments.

This bundle offer is open to applications from community and educational groups working with disadvantaged communities and developing music education for those living in the area. NB no cases are provided. Applicants can apply for up to 10 pbuzz instruments.

6) Keyboard with stand, pedal and headphones and seat  (+ Maestro Online Masterclasses).

This award is open to community-based groups using keyboards to support disadvantaged music makers; they must illustrate the impact this award will have on advancing the music making of their group. Please note no cases are provided. Applicants can apply for up to 5 keyboards with accessories.

Please read the eligibility criteria and instructions carefully before applying. Applications (and witness statement forms) should be received by no later than 8am on Monday 30th September.

For further information and FAQs see here.

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